
动画英语丨The Heart of a Monkey

A monkey and a shark struck up a friendship, with the monkey tossing his friend the fruits of a giant mku yu tree that grew overhanging the ocean.

After a time, the shark said if the monkey would only come home with him, he would give him a gift, and offered to carry him. The monkey accepted, but half way there, the shark told him that the sultan of his country was deathly ill and needed a monkey's heart to cure him.

The monkey said it was a pity, because if he had known, he could have brought his heart, but as it was, he had left it behind. The shark, deceived, brought him back to get it. The monkey instantly jumped up into the tree and was not to be lured back down.

He told the shark a story of a washerman's donkey, which was twice persuaded to meet with a lion, and so lost its life the second time — and that the monkey was not a washerman's donkey.




他给鲨鱼讲了一个洗衣人的驴子的故事,这头驴子两次被劝说去见狮子,结果第二次丢了性命 —— 而猴子可不是洗衣人的驴子。返回搜狐,查看更多


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